Thursday, July 02, 2015

Undergrad students win awards! Supervised by S/P Profs

Some great summer news!

Afsaneh Raissi, supervised by Prof. Jennifer Steele, is a co-recipient and winner of The Templeton Award at York U. The Templeton Award is awarded each academic year for best Honours Thesis. Afsaneh will also be awarded a Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Honours Thesis Award of Excellence! Wow!

Matthew Conte, supervised by Prof. Erin Ross, has also won the Ivana Guglietti-Kelly Prize. Just a couple months ago, Matthew also won Best Poster at the Undergraduate Poster day at York U.

Congratulations to you both!

These are amazing achievements and you should be proud of yourselves. We know we and your supervisers are!

Professors Jenn Steele and Erin Ross